Not So Fast, Einstein – Assessing A Leader’s Strategic Thinking

Every leader believes they are strategic thinkers.  But, we all know that is not the case. One can gauge a leader’s thinking because it is  seen and heard in the attitudes and activities of the employees.

We can begin our strategic thinking assessment by drawing a continuum.

On the left side of the continuum is the victim mentality thinking.  This is the thinking that says ‘too many problems’; ‘can’t do anything bout it’.

When leadership begins blaming and pointing fingers, this thinking goes viral and spreads to the rest of the employees rapidly. It spreads rapidly because it takes the pressure off to perform. Results:  sales drop, service wanes and staff is complacent and disengages.  In victim mentality cultures, you  might hear:

‘The problems are so big that we will do well to break even.’
‘It’s the sales department who’s at fault.’
‘They’re not doing their job in  marketing.’
‘How can we expect to overcome the economic downturn?’
‘Our target market has shifted.’
‘They dropped the ball.’

You get the picture. Pay attention in the next few meetings – when you hear these statements being made over and over,  you’ve got the answer to the question of what kind of thinkers are our leaders?

At the other end of the spectrum is the mindset that says we can do this and we can do it all and we will do it all now!  No doubt, you can describe what sort of culture forms around the ‘put out the fires now’ thinking:  highly stressed, low engagement, aversion to risk, under-performance, overwhelmed. This thinking is often disguised as strategic because there is lots of activity.  But,  we know activity is useless if it’s not the right kind of activity.

In the middle of the continuum is strategic thinking. This line of thinking says ‘we know there is a problem; we can’t solve all of it at one time, but here is what we can do over the six months, twelve months, etc.
When the strategy is communicated consistently and is clear to everyone, you will see attitudes, activities and  energy emerge.  It is an active plan that is fluid and organic. It is on purpose and creates highly satisfied employees.  It moves the needle.  You can be sure this is a product of  strategic thinkers at the helm.

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